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Citizen Journalist

Fox News

2 months ago written by

In my opinion since Black Friday is coming up after Thanksgiving holiday some people wanted to shop things or order some gifts on Amazon since everyone wanted to get ready for Christmas and on Black Friday s it gets super busy and everyone shops to see what they wanted to get for their families.

The US briefed Ukraine ahead of Putin’s ‘experimental Intermediate-range ballistic’ attack for this article that the War that Putin is doing will never stop cause and wants to kill people and children he wants Russia to launch medium-range Oreshnik ballistic missile to attack Ukraine for his next target. Giving advanced warning of the next target so the civilians can get clear and take shelter.

According to new Russian Nuclear Doctrine, this is grounds for a nuclear response. The United States had to provide intel for the mission. The flight plan had to be entered by an American. All the Ukrainians do is push the go button.

Always remember, this was Biden’s idea. The same guy to open the border, set a ban on gasoline cars, fight propane gas hot water heaters/furnaces, hire transistors for his cabinet, took down Civil War statues, raid Mar-a-lago, demonize border patrol, and cause inflation via overspending.




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